Lee Dawson

Lee Dawson is known for his ‘Fighting Fit’ online fitness courses and for presenting the Digital Warriors chat show. Lee is a dedicated truther devoted to health. His investigative reporting is second to none, particularly regarding the assault on human health over the last years. ‘Fight for Life’ is his motto, and he knows only too well how important that dictum will become for all of us over the coming years.
Lee currently anchors the show, interviews our diverse cast of guests & regular experts and continues to train youngsters in Martial Arts at his local Dojo. Lee’s goal is to make the Frontline Army everyone’s ‘go to’ channel for news & solutions for our health and freedoms in this current climate of censorship & overruling oppression.
Zed Said (Dave)

Zed Said – or Dave – is the channel geek, he runs the background technical operation, but for a nerd, is extremely outspoken! You’ll hear him co-presenting the Weekly Roundup Show with Lee and see him cruising the streets and mountains on his antique bobber commenting on current affairs, the woke, and all that’s insane about society.
Survival Steff

Steff has made it her business to know all about survival. You could do a lot worse than getting stuck with her if the shit ever hits the fan. Her motto: ‘It’s better to know and not need than to need and not know!’ A specialist in simple outback survival techniques that could get you and your family through some pretty hairy moments. She’s a nutritionist, survivalist and expert physiotherapist. If you ever go walkabout, don’t forget to take a Steff with you!